science display

stock photos and films
designed by scienceDISPLAY

Terms of use of images and films from scienceDISPLAY:
The once-only purchase of images and/or films gives you the right of non exclusive purpose of these images/films in an unlimited number of projects.
After you bought the images/films they are released for the use in advertisement, websites, flyers or multimedia projects. Images then even may be modified. Images should be integrated into the design or labelled otherwise, so that they cannot be copied, downloaded or sold by third parties.
I appreciate the mention of scienceDISPLAY in the copyrights.

Pricing of images:
Single images will be charged depending on the resolution you need:
In addition, some features of the images can be changed, to enable a better fit for your purposes. These changes will be extra charged.
for example:
- change of background color
- change of object color
- change of the perspective of the camera
   (e.g. zoom out of or into the scene / view from above...)

For further information about pricing, image sizes or file transfer please contact me.